PR - promotion requirements which you have to meet to be promoted to a higher position (sk.

$/H - the salary for an hour (in Simoleons) Skill: Mischief (10), Programming (8), write 10 viruses Skill: Programming (7) use hacking to receive 2500 Simoleons Skill: Mischief (8) successfully hack into a mainframe 3 times Skill: Mischief (7), Programming (5) successfully hack 3 times Skill: Mischief (10), Charisma (6) 6 people have to despise your Sim Skill: Mischief (7), Charisma (4) 4 people have to despise your Sim Skill: Mischief (6), Fitness or Programming (4) Skill: Mischief (4) successfully pickpocket 5 Sims Skill: Charisma (2) 1 person has to despise your Sim

Legend: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday. Considering how much effort you've put into learning and completing your tasks this income is very low, however you can raise it by writing new viruses or hacking. You work 4 days per week 7 hours per day (actually per night) and your salary is pretty bad since its precisely 8848 Simoleons. You will be promoted to an Oracle (10 B) position and you will receive a Mayhem Portable Computer. To do so you have to click on a computer and choose the " Program." > " Write a virus" option ten times. The third task is to write 10 viruses what is quite a profitable work. The second thing is to learn the 8th level of Programming (thanks to the " Learn programming" option). As always the easiest way to it is to troll in the Internet. The first one is to learn the 10th level of Mischief.

You have to face three promotion requirements. You are close to the very top of this career.

Finally you will become a Net Demon (9 A).